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Sheep Taxidermy Mounts

Shop Sheep Taxidermy Mounts Online

If you’re looking for a stunning addition to your trophy room, sheep taxidermy mounts offer a majestic and rugged beauty that few animals can match. They are expert climbers and many live in mountainous ranges or rugged terrain, so we highly recommend adding a custom habitat with rocks to show off their special climbing skills! Whether you’re interested in full-body sheep mounts, shoulder mounts, or European mounts/skulls, each offers a unique way to display these animals.

Full Body Sheep Mounts

While a full-body sheep mount is the most expensive investment, it is the ultimate way to capture the entirety of the sheep in its natural glory! From the horns to the hooves, a full-body mount offers a lifelike display, ideal for recreating natural habitats. Full-body mounts can be customized with terrain features like rocks, grasses, or even snow to enhance the realism of your piece.

Questions about a life-size sheep taxidermy mount? Contact All-Taxidermy today for pricing information.

Shoulder Sheep Mounts

Shoulder mounts are a classic choice for showcasing the head and upper body of the sheep, focusing on the animal’s iconic horns and facial features. These mounts take up less space when compared with life size mounts, while still delivering a powerful visual impact, especially for species with large, curled horns like the Bighorn or Dall Sheep.

Whether you have limited space, or you want to showcase many different species of wild sheep, we recommend looking into shoulder mounts as an option.

Sheep European Mounts / Skulls

A European or skull mount provides a more minimalist and striking display. By showcasing the cleaned skull and horns, these mounts are perfect for those who prefer a more subtle yet impactful look. The skull and horn combination serves as a testament to the wild and rugged nature of the sheep, making it a popular choice for collectors.

European mounts and skulls are the perfect addition to your cabin or living room! Find out more about European mounts in our article here. If you have a wild sheep that you want us to work on, contact our team today.

Species of Wild Sheep for Taxidermy

Below are just some of the most popular wild sheep species for taxidermy mounts:

Arapawa Sheep Taxidermy Mounts

The Arapawa sheep, native to New Zealand, is a unique and rare species descended from Merino sheep. Arapawa sheep are smaller in stature with spiraled, horned features and a rugged, wild look. A full-body mount captures their distinctive, woolly coat and their large, graceful horns. These sheep are known for their resilience and are a sought-after taxidermy choice for collectors looking for something rare and exotic.

Barbarossa / Merino Sheep Taxidermy

The Barbarossa, often interchanged with the Merino sheep, is another prized species in taxidermy due to its dense wool and impressive horn structure. The Merino, originating from Spain, is renowned for its historical significance and is often represented in shoulder mounts. The large, spiraling horns of a Barbarossa sheep create a dramatic display, and their thick wool makes them stand out in any collection.

Barbary / Aoudad Sheep Taxidermy

Native to the rocky deserts of North Africa, the Barbary or Aoudad sheep is admired for its powerful build and long, curved horns. Aoudad taxidermy mounts often include a rugged, rock-like base to highlight the sheep’s desert origins. Whether displayed as a full-body or shoulder mount, the reddish-brown coat and impressive horns create a stunning and exotic look. Due to its exotic origins, Aoudad sheep taxidermy is a sought-after item for collectors.

Bighorn Sheep Taxidermy Mounts

Bighorn Sheep are one of the most popular sheep species for taxidermy due to their massive, curled horns and powerful frame. Native to the mountainous regions of North America, Bighorn sheep are known for their dramatic horns, which can weigh up to 30 pounds. Bighorn taxidermy is typically done in shoulder mounts to emphasize the horns and head, but full-body mounts capture the sheep in a natural pose, often climbing rocky terrain. For hunters and taxidermy enthusiasts alike, a Bighorn Sheep trophy is the epitome of North American wildlife. Read more about the Bighorn Sheep species here.

The Desert Bighorn Sheep is a subspecies of Bighorn Sheep, adapted to life in the arid deserts of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico. Desert Bighorn Sheep taxidermy often features a light tan coat, emphasizing the animal’s desert habitat. A shoulder or full-body mount showcases the lighter coloration and slightly smaller but still impressive horns. Desert Bighorn Sheep are highly prized for taxidermy due to their rarity and the challenging environments they inhabit.

Black Hawaiian Sheep Taxidermy

A hybrid breed, the Black Hawaiian sheep is instantly recognizable by its jet-black coat and imposing horns. These sheep are popular in U.S. hunting circles, and a shoulder mount or European skull mount provides a bold contrast between the dark coat and the lighter skull. The Black Hawaiian’s unique appearance makes it a desirable addition to any taxidermy collection, particularly for those looking for something visually striking and different.

Corsican Sheep Taxidermy Mounts

Corsican sheep are a hybrid species with a rugged, muscular build and large, curled horns. They are commonly found on U.S. hunting preserves and are a favorite for taxidermy due to their striking dark coat and distinctive horns. A shoulder mount captures their fierce and rugged look, while a full-body mount can depict them in a lifelike stance. These mounts often reflect the hybrid nature of the Corsican sheep, combining elements of other wild sheep species.

Dall Sheep & Texas Dall Sheep Taxidermy

The Dall Sheep, native to the mountains of Alaska and the Yukon, is known for its pure white coat and majestic, curling horns. Full-body mounts of Dall sheep often showcase them in rocky, alpine settings, highlighting their natural habitat. Texas Dall sheep, bred in the U.S., offer a similar look with their lighter-colored coats but are typically featured in shoulder or skull mounts due to their popularity in hunting preserves.

Icelandic Sheep Taxidermy

The Icelandic Sheep is known for its thick, shaggy wool and sturdy build, making it a unique taxidermy piece. These sheep are typically mounted in full-body displays to showcase their fluffy coats and rugged appearance. Icelandic sheep are valued both for their wool and their distinctive look, making them a versatile choice for collectors interested in something different.

Jacobs 4 Horn Sheep Taxidermy

One of the most visually distinctive species, the Jacobs 4 Horn Sheep features four horns instead of the usual two, with two large horns curling outward and two smaller horns. This unique trait makes them highly desirable for taxidermy. Full-body or shoulder mounts of Jacobs 4 Horn Sheep offer a truly exotic and rare display that adds an unusual and captivating element to any taxidermy collection.

Mouflon Sheep Taxidermy

Mouflon Sheep (Ovis gmelini) are considered one of the ancestors of modern sheep breeds and are native to Europe and Asia. Their short, dense coat and large, curling horns make them a striking choice for taxidermy. Mouflon sheep are often featured in museums and private collections, as they represent the wild, untamed ancestors of domestic sheep. A shoulder mount highlights their muscular build and prominent horns, while a full-body mount captures their rugged grace.

Red Sheep Taxidermy

A hybrid species combining the Armenian Mouflon and the Transcaspian Urial, Red Sheep are known for their reddish-brown coat and long, curved horns. They are popular in hunting preserves and are highly sought after for taxidermy. Shoulder mounts bring out the dramatic coloration of their coat, while full-body mounts can showcase them in a dynamic, natural setting.

Stone Sheep Taxidermy

Native to the northern Rocky Mountains, the Stone Sheep is similar to the Dall Sheep but with a darker, grayer coat. Their horns are also slightly smaller, but their unique coloration makes them a standout in taxidermy. Full-body mounts often place them in rugged, mountainous terrain, while shoulder mounts focus on their majestic head and horns. Stone Sheep taxidermy offers a stunning contrast to the white-coated Dall Sheep, making them a valuable addition to any collection. Read more about the Stone Sheep species here.

Shop Wild Sheep Mounts with All-Taxidermy!

With years of experience in the industry, All-Taxidermy is your local and online resource for expertly preserved and customized taxidermy mounts to show off the grandeur of the Bighorn Sheep, Dall Sheep, Jacob’s 4 Horn Sheep, and various other species. Contact our team to make your dream taxidermy a reality!

Not quite what you’re looking for? Please take a look at all our other taxidermy mounts here.

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